The Scare that is Donald Trump’s Hair

“The Don” seems to think that can say whatever he wants about any and every race/social class of people and get away with it. I’m not quite sure why he has so much mouth lately, but it’s backfiring. BIG TIME. Maybe he’s tryna use his billionaire status to woo the Republican party and make his way into the White House. *shrug* ONE thing is for certain:  he’s not using said status to fix that windblown POS on the top of his head. And that’s what I’m here to talk about. If you’re interested in what he said, and why he’s being raked across the coals and dumped by every company under the sun, scroll to the bottom of this post. I’ve provided a few links.

Now, back to that hideous dust rag, aka, his hair. Donald Trump’s hair is one of those things that makes you turn your head sideways, like:

Photo Jul 03, 10 54 17 AM

I need help understanding why his hair always flying. Does he always ride in a convertible with the top down? Is the air on blast everywhere he goes?


WHY??????????? And it’s THREE different colors in this picture (dirty blonde, ashy, and white). Nevermind, I know why. His hair is confused. There is miscommunication among the strands and follicles…they got mad because they couldn’t agree on what color to be and which way to stand up, so they decided to do whatever the hell they wanted. Yep, that’s what happened. I could say there WAS miscommunication, but I used IS because his hair is ALWAYS disheveled! Even here:

DT_comb up and back

It looks neat, but look again. The majority is not ruling. It’s not in extreme disarray, but it’s still breaking the rules (and it also looks like his eyebrows are tryna get in on the action too). The sides of his hair are headed to the back, while the middle is intent on moving to the front of the line. His hair doesn’t even follow it’s own guidelines!
style guide

Who has tried this? Anybody? Might be a good Halloween wig…Ijs.

Now this…he stuck his finger in an electric socket. Final answer.
finger in a socket

See below. *flatline* I wonder if Trump ever considered using hair products. Because his bush is DRY. He has some thick roots and it’s time for a relaxer touch up, some moisturizer, a little bit of coconut oil, and edge control. His hair looks like it will leave you with splinters if you touch it. Where was he going this particular morning? To the hair salon? What kind of style is this? The swoop back? The comb back? The get up and go? The help me please? It’s the IDGAF. Sums it up perfectly.
castor oil

*Sigh* From the looks of the picture below, people have decided that his mane is the ideal place to catch a wave…without a surfboard. This has got to be a toupee. Or  is it? Did he forget to glue it down, or did the wind see it and get offended? Where are his friends? Why do they continuously let him out in public like this? Are they being paid to stand in his amen corner? Does he think this is a fashion statement to go along with those suits made in Mexico? Does he need a silk scarf to tie it up at night? Will a flatiron help? I have two that he can have if he can’t afford it.DT HAIR_surfer

Apparently he’s an inspiration to some….or maybe not. This cat seems to know that the dyed raccoon tail on the top of his head is about give #allthelaughs. He is not pleased.

cat trump hair
Donald Trump’s hair is always #outoforder. If by some miraculous stroke of luck (or the almighty dollar), he happens to be our next president, I think he should get a pet guinea pig. After all, that’s  what sits atop his head every now and then. Squeak!!

Donald Trump does not let the fact that his hair looks like it should be in a museum deter him from pursuing his dreams.He’s in the spotlight and people are paying attention. As ridiculous as his comments have been, he tweeted this morning that he is the top contender in the republican polls. It’ll  be interesting to see how conservatives respond. I’m sure there’s a republican barber out there somewhere. If you’re reading this, convince him to cut his hair off and donate it to science because we NEED to understand how it operates. I mean, it’s it own living system anyway. Long live “The Don.” And short live his hair.

Forbes provided a list of companies that have dumped the Trump. See it here. So did Quartz.

Disclaimer: None of the pictures in this article are mine and I modified (memed) all of the ones that are memes. Hover over the image to with a mouse to see where I got the original image from.

Photo Jul 03, 12 04 38 PM